May 14, 2011

Strike a Pose!

I am so happy to say that when I've reached my goal physically, I will be returning to modeling! Since I was a little girl, I've always wanted to be a model. I look back on so many pictures as a little girl, where I would have my "model stance" whenever photos were taken. As an adult, I began to embark on that journey, and was doing pretty well by some standards. I was a working model. I did not have an agent for the most part (I did get managed by a couple small companies, but mostly for dance). I was starting to make a "name" for myself in the Import industry. I enjoyed what I was doing, and I was getting paid for it. But as opportunities were starting to roll in more, I quit.
My husband and I re-dedicated our lives to Christ, and the import, swimsuit, etc modeling I was doing just wasn't acceptable in God's eyes.

But my love for modeling has not changed. The makeup, the hair, dressing up, taking photos, and making beautiful photos; I love it all.  I miss it all.

I recently started looking at one of the booking sources I used before for modeling jobs, and realized that I can still do it! I don't need to wear bikinis or provocative outfits; there are still many opportunities for models like me! I can do lifestyle, commercial, artistic, fashion, hair, makeup, jewelry,etc modeling without compromising myself!
Best of all, my husband supports me with this, which makes me even more excited. He always supported me back then too, although he was not always completely comfortable with what I may have been wearing (and we were still dating then).

So now I have even more motivation to continue my weightloss and toning journey! My goal is to start this coming fall (Sept/Oct). What's even greater about this is that it will still be considered a hobby, but I will be contributing income! Now, it definitely may not be like before; back then I was modeling basically full-time and was paying my bills and lived comfortably. I probably won't be making as much as I did then, but I'm doing it because I love it (and can make a little spending money while doing so!)

This fall is going to be great!


  1. That's great Carmen! I'm glad that you'll be able to do what you love without compromising. It's great that you desire to honor the Lord!

  2. Absolutely keep your eyes on Christ, don't ever compromise your principles, regardless of the pressure. Love you, my sister in Christ!!!
