March 22, 2013

The Future Is Looking Brighter Than EVER!

I am excited to get back on writing my blog because so many amazing things have, and ARE happening! I want to share my trials and triumphs with the world in hopes of inspiring others! (I've updated my page and my tab info so take another look around if you will! Changes will continue on occurring!)

I also look forward to share everything I am learning!

So what's new with you?

Let me tell you what's new with me!


I've dropped 4 dress sizes in the last year and I am still going! I am getting ready to slip into my size 6 H&M dress next month when I drop the last 2 dress sizes that I am currently in the process of losing!
This has been HUGE for me because my 60+ weight gain slammed my self confidence and esteem to the ground. If you've been there, you know.. it affects every area of your life. That is what it did with me. I made the decision to change that and I am winning!! So when I got to the point where I really felt better about myself, I went forward and.....

Got Licensed to teach Zumba!! It hasn't stopped there! I went back to school to finally finish what I started and made the change to invest my educational time and money on something that will improve me and serve my purpose..that is helping others be healthier and happier! So I've changed my degree pursuit to Kinesiology - Exercise Science and will also be getting certified in Nutrition in Dietetics. Now I don't necessarily need those degrees to be able to help people the way I've been helping with my Arbonne business, and now with Zumba. But I am about improving myself and making myself the best I can be. Plus, either way, I'm determined to finish what I started 9 years ago when I started college..may as well apply my purpose with the piece of paper, right? Right!

2013 is going to end with a BANG! I am taking my team to the top of our company, and I am bringing my husband home and giving him the time freedom he SOOOO deserves. 2014 will be where we see the fruits of my efforts because, Lord willing, we will be buying our first home!!

It's amazing what thinking outside of the box does for your dreams, hopes, and life!

I would love to hear from those of you who read that..What are you working towards in 2013? State is with certainty and don't give up, don't quit, and definitely do NOT settle for less!

God bless you all!