June 14, 2011

On The Train Again.. The LA Train That Is!

As I stated in my last post, I am back at LA Fitness! Last night was my first night back at the gym, and I could not be happier! I even had a little kick in my step afterward! My darling husband and I worked out together for the very first time ever! He couldn't pass up the great deal we got, and we are both getting a goody bag with an LA Fitness gym bag, water bottle, towel, and I think more! Could life get any better? LOL.

Now, I am no fitness club amateur. During my "hey-days" I was in the gym "pumping iron" quite a bit! Actually.. I've never really "pumped iron".. I pumped weight machines and cardio machines..but not until last night have I ever messed with the free weights! Not sure why? I guess I've always considered that the meat-head zone and chose not to venture into the territory. But I was pleasantly surprised to find out that I, too, could benefit from the various range of weights! Mike was playing trainer during our session yesterday, as he coached me through various techniques and free-weight exercises. It was really nice working out with my husband. Oh how I love that man. So, I am determined to keep my goal of September deadline despite my slacking off and "diet-hopping" lately! We've committed to a minimum of 4 days a week at the gym, and I plan on making every moment count. Not to mention, I usually make better eating choices when I'm working out at the gym, so let's see how long before I start getting the noticeable results!

On another note, I am currently reading the book of Job, and I am being convicted left and right! It is a great book of the bible to read for anyone going through hard times. I will be putting up some of my lessons learned when I am done! I also just finished reading a great book, which I will be reviewing on here in the next few days!


  1. Best of Blessings and keep up the good work!

  2. You got me thinking about going to the gym LOL,glad both you and your husband are going together. I hear quite a few positive testimonies of couples who go to the gym together.
